Though micro-light-emitting diode (micro-LED) displays are regarded as the next-generation emerging display technology, challenges such as defects in LED's light output power and radiation patterns are critical to the commercialization success. Here we propose an electroluminescence mass detection method to examine the light output quality from the on-wafer LED arrays before they are transferred to the display substrate. The mass detection method consists of two stages. In the first stage, the luminescent image is captured by a camera by mounting an ITO (indium-tin oxide) transparent conducting glass on the LED wafer. Due to the resistance of the ITO contact pads and on-wafer n-type electrodes, we develop a calibration method based on the circuit model to predict the current flow on each LED. The light output power of each device is thus calibrated back by multi-variable regression analysis. The analysis results in an average variation as low as 6.89% for devices predicted from luminescent image capturing and actual optical power measurement. We also examine the defective or non-uniform micro-LED radiation profiles by constructing a 2-D convolutional neural network (CNN) model. The optimized model is determined among three different approaches. The CNN model can recognize 99.45% functioning LEDs, and show a precision of 96.29% for correctly predicting good devices.