Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the metabolism of Gelsemium elegans in human, pig, goat and rat liver microsomes and to elucidate the metabolic pathways and cleavage patterns of the Gelsemium alkaloids among different species.
Methods: A human, goat, pig and rat liver microsomes were incubated in vitro. After incubating at 37°C for 1 hour and centrifuging, the processed samples were detected by HPLC/Qq-TOFMS was used to detect alcohol extract of Gelsemium elegans and its metabolites.
Results: Forty-six natural products were characterized from alcohol extract of Gelsemium elegans and 13 metabolites were identified. These 13 metabolites belong to the gelsemine, koumine, gelsedine, humantenine, yohimbane, and sarpagine classes of alkaloids. The metabolic pathways included oxidation, demethylation and dehydrogenation. After preliminary identification, the metabolites detected in the four species were different. All 13 metabolites were detected in pig and rat microsomes, but no oxidative metabolites of Gelsedine-type alkaloids were detected in goat and human microsomes.
Conclusion: In this study, Gelsemium elegans metabolic patterns in different species are clarified and the in vitro metabolism of Gelsemium elegans is investigated. It is of great significance for its clinical development and rational application.
Keywords: Comparative metabolism; Gelsemium elegans; HPLC/Qq-TOFMS; liquid chromatography.; species differences.
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