A 2-year-old boy presented to Kapsowar Mission Hospital in Kenya with a history of general tiredness associated with mild, unilateral epistaxis and one episode of hematemesis. On admission, he had a hemoglobin value of 3.5 g/dL, with a white cell count of 20.6 × 109/L. The child was examined by the physician on call, with no source of bleeding found. Later that day, after a local physician noted that the presentation could be due to an unrecognized leech infestation, a deep examination of the oropharynx was performed with a laryngoscope and revealed a leech attached deep in the oropharynx. The anesthetist visualized the leech with a laryngoscope and removed it with Magill forceps. After the procedure and blood transfusion, the child's hemoglobin level improved to 10.4 g/dL, and on the following day, the child was much improved in energy and was playing outside. He was discharged home on iron supplements and made a full recovery.