Objectives: This incidence of non-epileptic seizures (NES) is estimated at 1-35 per 100,000 population. While many patients achieve remission, a significant fraction of patients have a poor prognosis despite optimal interventions. This study reports on the characteristics of patients with refractory NES diagnosed and treated at a comprehensive epilepsy centre.
Methods: A retrospective review of admissions to the Epilepsy Monitoring Unit identified patients diagnosed with NES over a 6-year period. Patients with refractory NES were identified through review of medical files. A diagnosis of refractory NES was assigned when patients experienced ongoing NES at least 1 year after diagnostic video-EEG monitoring. Data pertaining to predisposing, precipitating and perpetuating factors was collected on all patients and a comparative analysis was conducted between refractory and non-refractory cases.
Results: 66 patients with NES were identified, 35% were deemed refractory. There was no significant difference amongst predisposing factors between the groups. Psychosocial adversity and a clear precipitant proximate to the onset of NES were significantly more common in the refractory cohort. Unemployment at time of diagnosis was a significant perpetuating factor associated with poor outcome.
Conclusion: This study provides insight into the features associated with refractory NES and may serve to improve prognostication and management in this disabling condition.
Keywords: Clinical features; Non-epileptic seizures; Refractory.
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