Fatherhood timing and men's midlife earnings: A within-family study of Finnish cohorts born in 1938-50

Popul Stud (Camb). 2024 Apr 23:1-17. doi: 10.1080/00324728.2024.2331472. Online ahead of print.


Fathers tend to achieve higher earnings than childless men, but there is limited evidence on the associations between fatherhood timing and men's later earnings. Using a longitudinal census-based sample of Finnish men, including a subsample of brothers, we investigated fatherhood timing and men's midlife earnings using both between- and within-family models. Earnings around age 50 were lower among adolescent and young fathers than for men who became fathers at ages 25-29 or later, but these associations became negligible after accounting for measured confounders and unobserved familial confounding. Overall, our findings highlight the important roles of selection into early childbearing and into childlessness. At the population level, early fatherhood was associated with clear negative distributional shifts in fathers' midlife earnings. However, among all men, any influence of fatherhood timing on men's midlife earnings distribution paled in comparison with that of childlessness.

Keywords: childbearing; childlessness; early fatherhood; earnings; fatherhood timing; income; life course; male fertility; sibling comparison.