The chronic lack of effective disposal of pollutants has resulted in the detection of a wide variety of EPs in the environment, with concentrations high enough to affect ecological health. Laccase, as a versatile oxidase capable of catalyzing a wide range of substrates and without producing toxic by-products, is a potential candidate for the biodegradation of pollutants. Immobilization can provide favorable protection for free laccase, improve the stability of laccase in complex environments, and greatly enhance the reusability of laccase, which is significant in reducing the cost of industrial applications. This study introduces the properties of laccase and subsequently elaborate on the different support materials for laccase immobilization. The research advances in the degradation of EDs, PPCPs, and PAHs by immobilized laccase are then reviewed. This review provides a comprehensive understanding of laccase immobilization, as well as the advantages of various support materials, facilitating the development of more economical and efficient immobilization systems that can be put into practice to achieve the green degradation of EPs.
Keywords: Endocrine disruptors; Immobilization; Laccase; Pharmaceutical and personal care products; Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.
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