Burn injury is one of the most concerning issues in the health industry. Globally, mortality and morbidity rates associated with burn injuries and their sequelae are exceptionally high. This study aims to determine the mortality rate of burn injury patients after the closure of the burn trauma unit at Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Bandung, Indonesia. This research is a descriptive-analytic study with a cross-sectional approach. The population in this study are burn injury patients treated at Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital during April 2021-September 2021. The inclusion criteria for this study were adult (TBSA >20%) and pediatric (TBSA >10%) patients with severe burn injury. The subjects included in this study were 76 patients and were divided into two groups, patients treated in the burn unit (n=27) and in the non-burn unit (n=49). The number of deaths in a non-burn unit (n=24; 48.97%) was higher compared to patients treated in a burn unit (n=6; 22.22%). There is a significant relationship between the type of care unit and the burn injury mortality rate, as indicated by a p value of 0.022 and an odds ratio (OR) of 3.36.
Les brûlures représentent une des pathologies les plus préoccupantes d’un système de santé, en raison de leurs mortalité et séquelles extrêmement élevées. Cette étude descriptive cas- témoins se penche sur la mortalité des patients brûlés pendant la période de fermeture du CTB de l’hôpital Hasan Sadikin de Bandung, Indonésie. Les cas sont les patients hospitalisés dans l’hôpital Hasan Sadikin en raison de brûlures graves (SB >20% chez les adultes et 10% chez les enfants) entre avril et septembre 2021. Sur les 76 patients admis, 27 ont été traités dans le CTB et 49 en dehors. La mortalité hors CTB (24 patients ; 48,97%) était supérieure à celle observée en CTB (6 ; 22,22%). L’OR de surmortalité hors CTB VS CTB est à 3,36 (p= 0,022).
Keywords: burn injury; mortality rate.
© 2023 Euro-Mediterranean Council for Burns and Fire Disasters.