Charge density waves tuned by biaxial tensile stress

Nat Commun. 2024 Apr 30;15(1):3667. doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-47626-5.


The precise arrangement and nature of atoms drive electronic phase transitions in condensed matter. To explore this tenuous link, we developed a true biaxial mechanical deformation device working at cryogenic temperatures, compatible with x-ray diffraction and transport measurements, well adapted to layered samples. Here we show that a slight deformation of TbTe3 can have a dramatic influence on its Charge Density Wave (CDW), with an orientational transition from c to a driven by the a/c parameter, a tiny coexistence region near a = c, and without space group change. The CDW transition temperature Tc displays a linear dependence with a / c - 1 while the gap saturates out of the coexistence region. This behaviour is well accounted for within a tight-binding model. Our results question the relationship between gap and Tc in RTe3 systems. This method opens a new route towards the study of coexisting or competing electronic orders in condensed matter.