Enantiomeric separation of tryptophan via novel chiral polyamide composite membrane

Chirality. 2024 May;36(5):e23674. doi: 10.1002/chir.23674.


The separation of chiral drugs continues to pose a significant challenge. However, in recent years, the emergence of membrane-based chiral separation has shown promising effectiveness due to its environmentally friendly, energy-efficient, and cost-effective characteristics. In this study, we prepared chiral composite membrane via interfacial polymerization (IP), utilizing β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) and piperazine (PIP) as mixed monomers in the aqueous phase. The chiral separation process was facilitated by β-CD, serving as a chiral selective agent. The resulting membrane were characterized using SEM, FT-IR, and XPS. Subsequently, the chiral separation performance of the membrane for DL-tryptophan (Trp) was investigated. Lastly, the water flux, dye rejection, and stability of the membrane were also examined. The results showed that the optimized chiral PIP0.5β-CD0.5 membrane achieved an enantiomeric excess percentage (ee%) of 43.0% for D-Trp, with a solute flux of 66.18 nmol·cm-2·h-1, and maintained a good chiral separation stability. Additionally, the membrane demonstrated positive performance in the selective separation of mixed dyes, allowing for steady operation over a long period of time. This study offers fresh insights into membrane-based chiral separations.

Keywords: chiral composite membrane; enantioseparation; interfacial polymerization; tryptophan; β‐cyclodextrin.