Background and objectives: Motor outcomes after stroke relate to corticospinal tract (CST) damage. The brain leverages surviving neural pathways to compensate for CST damage and mediate motor recovery. Thus, concurrent age-related damage from white matter hyperintensities (WMHs) might affect neurologic capacity for recovery after CST injury. The role of WMHs in post-stroke motor outcomes is unclear. In this study, we evaluated whether WMHs modulate the relationship between CST damage and post-stroke motor outcomes.
Methods: We used data from the multisite ENIGMA Stroke Recovery Working Group with T1 and T2/fluid-attenuated inversion recovery imaging. CST damage was indexed with weighted CST lesion load (CST-LL). WMH volumes were extracted with Freesurfer's SAMSEG. Mixed-effects beta-regression models were fit to test the impact of CST-LL, WMH volume, and their interaction on motor impairment, controlling for age, days after stroke, and stroke volume.
Results: A total of 223 individuals were included. WMH volume related to motor impairment above and beyond CST-LL (β = 0.178, 95% CI 0.025-0.331, p = 0.022). Relationships varied by WMH severity (mild vs moderate-severe). In individuals with mild WMHs, motor impairment related to CST-LL (β = 0.888, 95% CI 0.604-1.172, p < 0.001) with a CST-LL × WMH interaction (β = -0.211, 95% CI -0.340 to -0.026, p = 0.026). In individuals with moderate-severe WMHs, motor impairment related to WMH volume (β = 0.299, 95% CI 0.008-0.590, p = 0.044), but did not significantly relate to CST-LL or a CST-LL × WMH interaction.
Discussion: WMHs relate to motor outcomes after stroke and modify relationships between motor impairment and CST damage. WMH-related damage may be under-recognized in stroke research as a factor contributing to variability in motor outcomes. Our findings emphasize the importance of brain structural reserve in motor outcomes after brain injury.