Aims: Spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD) is recognized as a particularly stressful cause of heart attack. However, few studies have documented the prevalence of post-SCAD anxiety and depressive symptoms, or identified patients most at risk. This study documents the prevalence and correlates of post-SCAD anxiety and depressive symptoms.
Methods and results: Three hundred ten (95% women) SCAD survivors were recruited by the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute from a database of 433 SCAD survivors. Participants completed an online questionnaire to gather demographic, medical, and psychosocial information, including the Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7) and the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9). Bivariate and multivariate analyses were undertaken to identify the significant demographic, psychosocial, and medical correlates of post-SCAD anxiety and depressive symptoms. Time between SCAD and questionnaire completion varied from 2 months to 18 years (mean = 5.5 years; SD = 3.5 years). Rates of anxiety and depressive symptoms were 20.7% (GAD-7 ≥ 10) and 20.9% (PHQ-9 ≥ 10), respectively, and did not vary by time since event. In bivariate analyses, correlates (P < 0.05) of anxiety and depressive symptoms were absence of a close confidante, financial strain, mental health diagnosis pre-SCAD, comorbid obesity, not being in paid employment (anxiety only), younger age (depression only), and not knowing another SCAD survivor (depression only). Variables retained in multivariate models were absence of a close confidante, financial strain, not being in paid employment, mental health diagnosis pre-SCAD (depression only), and younger age (depression only).
Conclusion: This study demonstrated that over one in four SCAD survivors experiences either anxiety or depressive symptoms after SCAD, and identified those who may need additional support in their psychological recovery.
Keywords: Anxiety; Depression; Psychocardiology; SCAD; Secondary prevention; Social support; Stress.
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