Biomass is an important indicator of the ability of tropical forests to deliver ecosystem services, but little attention has been given to belowground biomass and its drivers in human-modified landscapes. Here, we investigated the belowground biomass and nutrient concentration/stocks (C, P, and N) across regenerating forest stands with varying ages (10-76 years old) and old-growth forests in the Caatinga dry forest (northeastern Brazil) in the context of slash-and-burn agriculture. Belowground biomass ranged from 1.89 ± 0.33 Mg ha-1 to 17.53 ± 2.28 Mg ha-1 (mean ± SE) across regenerating forest stands and averaged 8.33 ± 1.59 Mg ha-1, with no differences compared to old-growth stands. However, regenerating stands exhibited a higher root/shoot ratio with biomass concentrated in the superficial soil layer and in large-sized roots, regardless of the successional stage. Root nutrient concentration and stocks were highly variable across forest stands with fine roots supporting a higher concentration of N and P, while regenerating stands supported lower nutrient stocks as compared to old-growth forests. Finally, precipitation and chronic disturbance emerged as the most important drivers of belowground biomass and nutrient concentrations/stocks, while aboveground biomass played a negligible role. Our results indicate that, in human-modified landscapes of tropical dry forests, belowground biomass and nutrients play important roles in ecosystem functions in regenerated forests after slash-and-burn agriculture. Forest resilience and provision of ecosystem services (e.g., nutrient cycling) appear to be very sensitive to increased aridity and exploitation of forest resources.
Keywords: Dry Forest; Human disturbance; Nutrient cycling; Root biomass; Secondary forest.
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