The authors report the hemodynamic study of 22 cases of calibrated side-to-side portacaval shunts performed in patients with liver cirrhosis. In all patients, hepatopetal portal blood flow was present before the operation. According to the data obtained by scintiangiography and angiography, hepatopetal portal flow was maintained in 70 p. 100 of the patients immediately after the operation. After one year there was a discrepancy between the results of scintiangiography and those of conventional angiography: while portal flow seemed to be hepatopetal on the scintigraphy in 11 of controlled patients, it decreased or disappeared on the angiography in 6 other controlled patients. These results are comparable to those of selective shunts and suggest that the calibrated side-to-side portacaval shunt is a valuable procedure in maintaining hepatopetal portal flow. A controlled trial would be useful to assess the place of this operation in the treatment of portal hypertension due to cirrhosis.