Orthopaedic Surgery Attrition Before Board Certification: A National-Cohort Study of US MD Graduates in Orthopaedic Surgery Residency Programs

JB JS Open Access. 2024 May 20;9(2):e23.00175. doi: 10.2106/JBJS.OA.23.00175. eCollection 2024 Apr-Jun.


Introduction: Little is known about attrition before American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery (ABOS) board certification for orthopaedic residents training in Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME)-accredited orthopaedics programs. This national-cohort study examined orthopaedic surgery attrition, associated risk factors, and specialties pursued by residents who left orthopaedics.

Methods: From August 2022 through July 2023, we analyzed deidentified, individual-level data from the Association of American Medical Colleges for 129,860 US MD-granting medical-school matriculants in academic years 1993 to 1994 through 2000 to 2001. Graduates with records of training ≥1 year in orthopaedic surgery during GME and of board certification as of May 2020 were included. Retention was defined as being ABOS-certified; attrition was defined as being certified by another specialty board and not ABOS. We identified variables independently associated with attrition from orthopaedics using multivariable logistic regression analysis and reported adjusted odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI).

Results: Of 4,319 US medical-school graduates from 1997 to 2009 with ≥1 year of orthopaedic surgery GME, 4,085 (94.6%) obtained ABOS board certification (retention) and 234 did not (attrition). Women (OR 2.8, 95% CI 2.0-3.9), first-generation college graduates (OR 1.6, 95% CI 1.1-2.2), Asians (OR 1.9, 95% CI 1.4-2.7), and residents who placed greater importance on innovation/research in choosing medicine as a career (OR 1.4, 95% CI 1.1-1.7) and completed ≥1 year of research during GME (OR 2.4, 95% CI 1.7-3.5) were more likely to leave orthopaedics. Overall, 121 trainees who left orthopaedics selected surgical specialties for board certification, most commonly plastic surgery (n = 66) and general surgery (n = 45).

Conclusions: The increased risk of attrition among women, Asians, first-generation college graduates, and trainees endorsing higher importance of innovation/research in choosing medicine and participating in research during GME raises concerns about the potential loss of underrepresented groups among orthopaedic surgeons and surgeon-scientists. Efforts to mitigate attrition among residents in high-risk groups are warranted.

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