1 Emily M. D'Agostino, Allyn Damman, Camille Brown-Lowery, Princess Abbot-Grimes, Saira Siddiqui, Tigidankay Fadika, Mark Ward, Mia Cooper, Sonya Sutton, Lindsay Kenton, Bob Spaziano, and Christoph P. Hornik are with the Duke Clinical Research Institute, Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, NC. Lauren M. Rosenberg is with the Duke Global Health Institute, Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, NC. Alan Richmond is with Community-Campus Partnerships for Health, Raleigh, NC. Janet Kasper is with the United Way of Merced County, Merced, CA. Nicole Barnes is with the Pitt County Health Department, Greenville, NC. Emily D'Agostino was also a Guest Editor for this supplemental issue.