The occurrence of triple kidneys, involving a normal kidney and a malrotation horseshoe kidney, is an extremely infrequent condition. This case report demonstrates a triple, mal-rotated horseshoe kidneys coexist with an upper junction stone, alongside a normal left kidney showing normal Doppler vascularity, as observed in an ultrasound examination for 18-year-old male complaints of diffuse periumbilical pain and burning micturition. Laboratory investigation revealed normal creatinine level, and presence of urinary tract infection. Management option for this case are antibiotic therapy and surgical intervention for horseshoe kidney stone. Regular monitoring of kidney function, other radiographic imaging studies, and follow-up to assess the efficacy of the treatment, and detect any further complications are essential.
Keywords: Doppler; Mal-rotated horseshoe kidney; Triple kidneys; Ultrasound B-mode; Upper junction calculous.
© 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of University of Washington.