Background: Involving and engaging the public in scientific research and higher education is slowly becoming the norm for academic institutions in the United Kingdom and elsewhere. Driven by a wide range of stakeholders including regulators, funders, research policymakers and charities public involvement and public engagement are increasingly seen as essential in delivering open and transparent activity that is relevant and positively impacts on our society. It is obvious that any activities involving and engaging members of the public should be conducted safely and ethically. However, it is not clear whether conducting activities ethically means they require ethical approval from a research ethics committee.
Main body: Although there is some guidance available from government organisations (e.g. the UK Health Research Authority) to suggest ethical approval is not required for such activities, requests from funders and publishers to have ethical approval in place is commonplace in the authors' experience. We explore this using case studies from our own institution.
Conclusion: We conclude that any public-facing activity with the purpose to systemically investigate knowledge, attitudes and experiences of members of the public as research and as human participants requires prior approval from an ethics committee. In contrast, engaging and involving members of the public and drawing on lived experience to inform aspects of research and teaching does not. However, lack of clarity around this distinction often results in the academic community seeking ethical approval 'just in case', leading to wasted time and resources and erecting unnecessary barriers for public involvement and public engagement. Instead, ethical issues and risks should be appropriately considered and mitigated by the relevant staff within their professional roles, be it academic or a professional service. Often this can involve following published guidelines and conducting an activity risk assessment, or similar. Moving forward, it is critical that academic funders and publishers acknowledge the distinction and agree on an accepted approach to avoid further exacerbating the problem.
Keywords: Ethical approval; Ethics; PPI; Public engagement; Public involvement; Research ethics committee.
Involving and engaging members of the public is recognised best practice in university research and teaching. Involvement and engagement activities (for instance, working with the public to design a research study) continue to increase in priority and are an important part of an academic’s role. However, there is often confusion amongst researchers and educators around whether involving the public in these activities requires prior ethical approval, similar to what would be the case when inviting members of the public to participate in a clinical research study, or to donate samples such as blood for experiments. As an example, sometimes researchers are asked for ethical approval by scientific journals when trying to publish the findings from their public involvement and engagement work, when in fact this is not needed. The ongoing uncertainty about the difference between actual research on one hand and public involvement and engagement on the other hand wastes precious time and resources, and is a barrier for scientists to working with the public. We have developed guidance for academic staff on when ethical approval is and is not required, using examples from our own experience. We wrote this article to bring awareness to this problem; share our views with the wider academic community; encourage discussion around the problem and possible solutions; and ultimately contribute to educating on when research ethics approval is needed, and when not.
© 2024. The Author(s).