This study sought to further develop and validate a previously proposed physics-based model that maps denaturation kinetics from differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) to the isometric tension generated during hydrothermal isometric tension (HIT) testing of collagenous tissues. The primary objectives of this study were to verify and validate two physics-based model parameters: α, which indicates the amount of instantaneous isometric tension developed per unit of collagen denaturation, and β, which captures the proportionality between temperature and the generated isometric tension post denaturation initiation. These parameters were used as measures of bone collagen quality, employing data from HIT and DSC testing of human bone collagen from two previous studies. Additionally, given the physical basis of the model, the study aimed to further validate Max.Slope, the rate of change in isometric tensile stress with change in temperature, as an independent measure of collagen network connectivity. Max.Slope has previously been positively correlated with measures of cortical bone fracture resistance. Towards this verification and validation, the hypotheses were a) that α would correlate strongly with HIT denaturation temperature, Td, and the enthalpy of melting (ΔH) from DSC, and b) that β would correlate positively and strongly with Max.Slope. The model was employed in the analysis of HIT-DSC data from the testing of demineralized bone collagen isolated from cadaveric human femurs in two prior studies. In one study, data were collected from HIT-DSC testing of cortical bone collagen from 74 donors. Among them, 38 had a history of type 2 diabetes +/- chronic kidney disease, while the remaining 36 had no history of T2D again with or without CKD. Cortical bone specimens were extracted from the lateral mid-shaft. The second study involved 15 donor femora, with four cortical bone specimens extracted from each. Of these four, two specimens underwent a 4-week incubation in 0.1 M ribose at 37 °C to induce non-enzymatic ribation and advanced glycation endproducts, while the other two served as non-ribated controls. The examination involved investigating correlations between the model parameters α and β and various measures, such as Max.Slope, Td, ΔH, age, and duration of type 2 diabetes. The results revealed positive correlations between the model parameter β and Max.Slope (r = 0.55-0.58). The parameter α was found to be associated with Td, but also sensitive to the shape of the HIT curve around Td resulting in difficulties with variability and interpretation. As a result, while both hypotheses are confirmed, Max.Slope and β are better indicators of bone collagen quality because they are measures of the connectivity or, more generally, the integrity of the bone collagen network.
Keywords: Bone; Collagen; Connectivity; Differential scanning calorimetry; Hydrothermal isometric tension testing; Integrity; Ribose; Type 2 diabetes.
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