Silk Fibroin and Its Nanocomposites for Wound Care: A Comprehensive Review

ACS Polym Au. 2024 Feb 29;4(3):168-188. doi: 10.1021/acspolymersau.3c00050. eCollection 2024 Jun 12.


For most individuals, wound healing is a highly organized, straightforward process, wherein the body transitions through different phases in a timely manner. However, there are instances where external intervention becomes necessary to support and facilitate different phases of the body's innate healing mechanism. Furthermore, in developing countries, the cost of the intervention significantly impacts access to treatment options as affordability becomes a determining factor. This is particularly true in cases of long-term wound treatment and management, such as chronic wounds and infections. Silk fibroin (SF) and its nanocomposites have emerged as promising biomaterials with potent wound-healing activity. Driven by this motivation, this Review presents a critical overview of the recent advancements in different aspects of wound care using SF and SF-based nanocomposites. In this context, we explore various formats of hemostats and assess their suitability for different bleeding situations. The subsequent sections discuss the primary causes of nonhealing wounds, i.e., prolonged inflammation and infections. Herein, different treatment strategies to achieve immunomodulatory and antibacterial properties in a wound dressing were reviewed. Despite exhibiting excellent pro-healing properties, few silk-based products reach the market. This Review concludes by highlighting the bottlenecks in translating silk-based products into the market and the prospects for the future.

Publication types

  • Review