In in vitro model of short-term therapeutic inhalation of Xe/O2 mixture, xenon in millimolar concentrations led to a pronounced decrease in induced platelet aggregation in the platelet-enriched blood plasma. The maximum and statistically significant decrease occurred in response to induction by collagen (by ≈30%, p≤0.01) and ADP (by ≈25%, p≤0.01). A slightly weaker but statistically significant reduction in aggregation appeared in response to ristocetin (by ≈12%, p≤0.01) and epinephrine (by ≈9%, p≤0.01). It should be noted that the spontaneous aggregation exceeded the reference values in the control group. Nevertheless, even at minimal absolute values, spontaneous platelet aggregation decreased by 2 times in response to xenon (p≤0.01). The reasons for the decrease of spontaneous and induced aggregation are xenon accumulation in the lipid bilayer of the membrane with subsequent nonspecific (mechanical) disassociation of membrane platelet structures and specific block of its distinct from neuronal NMDA receptor.
Keywords: xenon; platelets; aggregation; aggregation inducers.
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