Loop-mediated isothermal amplification, LAMP, is nowadays the most popular isothermal nucleic acid amplification technique, and as such, several commercial, ready-to-use master mixes have flourished. Unfortunately, independent studies to determine their performance are limited. The current study performed an independent evaluation of the existing ready-to-use commercial LAMP master mixes WarmStart® LAMP Kit, LavaLAMP™ DNA Master Mix, Saphir Bst Turbo GreenMaster, OptiGene Fast Master Mix ISO-004, and SynLAMP Mix. To reduce bias, three different genes, namely ttr (Salmonella spp.), rfbE (E. coli O157), and hly (Listeria monocytogenes), were targeted. The comparison was based on amplification speed, performance with decreasing DNA concentrations, and the effect of five typical LAMP reaction additives (betaine, DMSO, pullulan, TMAC, and GuHCl). Significant differences were observed among the different master mixes. OptiGene provided the fastest amplification and showed less detrimental effects associated with the supplements evaluated. Out of the chemicals tested, pullulan provided the best results in terms of amplification speed. It is noteworthy that the different additives impacted the master mixes differently. Overall, the current study provides insights into the performance of commercial LAMP master mixes, which can be of value for the scientific community to better select appropriate reagents when developing new methods.
Keywords: E. coli O157; L. monocytogenes; LAMP; Salmonella spp.; foodborne pathogens; loop-mediated isothermal amplification; master mix.