Recent Advances in the Domino Annulation Reaction of Quinone Imines

Molecules. 2024 May 24;29(11):2481. doi: 10.3390/molecules29112481.


Quinone imines are important derivatives of quinones with a wide range of applications in organic synthesis and the pharmaceutical industry. The attack of nucleophilic reagents on quinone imines tends to lead to aromatization of the quinone skeleton, resulting in both the high reactivity and the unique reactivity of quinone imines. The extreme value of quinone imines in the construction of nitrogen- or oxygen-containing heterocycles has attracted widespread attention, and remarkable advances have been reported recently. This review provides an overview of the application of quinone imines in the synthesis of cyclic compounds via the domino annulation reaction.

Keywords: annulation reaction; cyclic compound; domino reaction; organic synthesis; quinone imines.

Publication types

  • Review