Variations in Mating and Reproduction in Oriental Fruit Moth Caused by Adult Physiological State in Laboratory Tests

Insects. 2024 Jun 18;15(6):457. doi: 10.3390/insects15060457.


Grapholita molesta (Busck) is a pest of rosaceous fruit plants worldwide. Due to a combination of monandry and promiscuity in G. molesta, the age and mating history of both sexes significantly affected the mating and reproductive success. In this study, the interactions of different ages (3, 5, or 7 days) and mating history (unmated or mated) in each sex on the mating selection, reproductive system, and offspring production were investigated in the laboratory. The results showed that these differences mainly occurred in young females or males, associated with unmated or mated state. Especially, the 3-day-old unmated females were preferred by the 7-day-old males but discriminated against by the 3- or 5-day-old unmated males, whereas the 3-day-old mated males were preferred by the 3-day-old mated or 7-day-old females but discriminated against by the 3- or 5-day-old unmated females. The lengths of the ovarian ducts were affected by age in the unmated females, with the greatest length being found at 7 days old. The size of testes varied with age in the unmated males, being the largest at 3 days old. At 3 days old, the testes size of the unmated males was larger than that of the mated males. The pairing of 5-day-old unmated females × 3-day-old mated males maximized the successful matings. The least productive pairing was 7-day-old unmated females × 5-day-old mated males. The pairing of 5-day-old mated males × 3-day-old mated females had the lowest number of matings and the highest number of offspring. The pairing of 3-day-old mated females × 3-day-old mated males had a high rate of mating success and the most offspring. These results revealed the different roles between females and males because of physiological states in terms of the reproductive biology in G. molesta.

Keywords: Grapholita molesta; adult physiological status; mating preference; offspring production; reproductive system.