Genomic characterization of Escherichia coli harbor a polyketide synthase ( pks ) island associated with colorectal cancer (CRC) development

bioRxiv [Preprint]. 2024 Jun 17:2024.06.16.599199. doi: 10.1101/2024.06.16.599199.


The E. coli strain harboring the polyketide synthase ( Pks) island encodes the genotoxin colibactin, a secondary metabolite reported to have severe implications for human health and for the progression of colorectal cancer. The present study involved whole-genome-wide comparison and phylogenetic analysis of pks harboring E. coli isolates to gain insight into the distribution and evolution of these organism. Fifteen E. coli strains isolated from patients with ulcerative colitis were sequenced, 13 of which harbored pks islands. In addition, 2,654 genomes from the public database were also screened for pks harboring E. coli genomes, 158 of which were pks -positive isolates. Whole-genome-wide comparison and phylogenetic analysis revealed that 171 (158+13) pks -positive isolates belonged to phylogroup B2, and most of the isolates associated to sequence types ST73 and ST95. One isolate from an ulcerative colitis (UC) patient was of the sequence type ST8303. The maximum likelihood tree based on the core genome of pks -positive isolates revealed horizontal gene transfer across sequence types and serotypes. Virulome and resistome analyses revealed the preponderance of virulence genes and a reduced number of antimicrobial genes in Pks -positive isolates. This study strongly contributes to understanding the evolution of pks islands in E. coli .

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