This study aims to evaluate an AI model designed to automatically classify skull fractures and visualize segmentation on emergent CT scans. The model's goal is to boost diagnostic accuracy, alleviate radiologists' workload, and hasten diagnosis, thereby enhancing patient outcomes. Unique to this research, both pediatric and post-operative patients were not excluded, and diagnostic durations were analyzed. Our testing dataset for the observer studies involved 671 patients, with a mean age of 58.88 years and fairly balanced gender representation. Model 1 of our AI algorithm, trained with 1499 fracture-positive cases, showed a sensitivity of 0.94 and specificity of 0.87, with a DICE score of 0.65. Implementing post-processing rules (specifically Rule B) improved the model's performance, resulting in a sensitivity of 0.94, specificity of 0.99, and a DICE score of 0.63. AI-assisted diagnosis resulted in significantly enhanced performance for all participants, with sensitivity almost doubling for junior radiology residents and other specialists. Additionally, diagnostic durations were significantly reduced (p < 0.01) with AI assistance across all participant categories. Our skull fracture detection model, employing a segmentation approach, demonstrated high performance, enhancing diagnostic accuracy and efficiency for radiologists and clinical physicians. This underlines the potential of AI integration in medical imaging analysis to improve patient care.
Keywords: AI vs human comparison; Artificial intelligence; Classification; Retrospective studies; Segmentation; Skull bone fracture.
© 2024. The Author(s).