This study evaluated the protein quality of small mammalian prey and its body organs by analyzing amino acid (AA) composition and digestibility of wild adult rats and their body organs (skin/fur, bone, muscle, intestine, liver, kidney, spleen, brain, heart, and lung) utilizing an in vitro digestion method. The average dry matter (DM) digestibility of whole rats was 89.9%. The digestibility of total AA (TAA), total indispensable AA (TIAA), and total dispensable AA (TDAA) in whole rats was 85.6, 87.0, and 87.6%, respectively. Differences in DM digestibility were observed among rat organs, ranging from 59.0% in bone to 99.8% in muscle (P < 0.001). Highly digestible organs generally exhibited AA digestibility exceeding 90%, except for cysteine (Cys) in the intestine and kidney (83.8% and 88.9%, respectively). The digestibility of AAs in skin/fur ranged from 19.7% for Cys to 81.0% for glycine (Gly). In bone, the digestibility spanned from 56.9% for Gly to 81.1% for tyrosine (Tyr). Additionally, examining the digestible indispensable AA score (DIAAS) gives us an idea of the protein quality of small mammalian prey and their body organs. Our results complement information on AA supply and digestion during prey ingestion by felids.
Keywords: amino acid; digestibility; felids; organs; prey; rat.
As obligate carnivores, free-ranging felids consume prey and rely on nutrients from animal organs. Studies in adult carnivores such as domestic cats have demonstrated the importance of the dietary amino acid profile. Therefore, this research used rats as a small prey model to analyze the amino acid composition and digestibility of whole prey and its body organs through in vitro digestion methods. Our results add information on amino acid supply and digestion during natural food intake in felids.
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