Plant cell walls are complex, multifunctional structures, built up of polysaccharides and proteins. The configuration and abundance of cell wall constituents determine cellular elongation and plant growth. The emphasis of this review is on rice, a staple crop with economic importance, serving as model for grasses/cereals. Recent advancements have contributed to a better understanding of the grass/cereal cell wall. This review brings together current knowledge of the organization and metabolism of the rice cell wall, and addresses gaps in the information regarding the cell wall and enzymes involved. Several cell wall fractions, including cellulose, mixed-linkage glucans, and glucuronoarabinoxylans, are well understood in rice and other grasses/grains. Conversely, there are still open questions and missing links in relation to xyloglucans, glucomannans, pectin, lignin, and arabinogalactan proteins. There is still a large and untapped potential to identify carbohydrate-active enzymes (CAZymes), to characterize their activity, and to elucidate their involvement in the metabolism of the mentioned cell wall fractions. This review highlights the involvement of carbohydrate-active enzymes in rice cell wall metabolism, providing an update of current understanding with the aim of demarcating research areas with potential for further investigations.
Keywords: Arabinogalactan; CAZymes; cell wall; cellulose; glucomannan; hemicellulose; lignin; pectin; rice; xylan; xyloglucan.
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