In this study we focus on two subnetworks common in the circuitry of swim central pattern generators (CPGs) in the sea slugs, Melibe leonina and Dendronotus iris and show that they are independently capable of stably producing emergent network bursting. This observation raises the question of whether the coordination of redundant bursting mechanisms plays a role in the generation of rhythm and its regulation in the given swim CPGs. To address this question, we investigate two pairwise rhythm-generating networks and examine the properties of their fundamental components: cellular and synaptic, which are crucial for proper network assembly and its stable function. We perform a slow-fast decomposition analysis of cellular dynamics and highlight its significant bifurcations occurring in isolated and coupled neurons. A novel model for slow synapses with high filtering efficiency and temporal delay is also introduced and examined. Our findings demonstrate the existence of two modes of oscillation in bicellular rhythm-generating networks with network hysteresis: i) a half-center oscillator and ii) an excitatory-inhibitory pair. These 2-cell networks offer potential as common building blocks combined in modular organization of larger neural circuits preserving robust network hysteresis.
Keywords: excitatory; half-center oscillator; inhibitory; locomotion; modeling; network physiology; neural networks; rhythm generation.
Copyright © 2024 Scully, Bourahmah, Bloom and Shilnikov.