Persimmons are widely acknowledged as a valuable source of both medicinal and nutritional components, providing a diverse spectrum of nutrients and phytochemicals. Despite these benefits, biases against persimmons persists due to their characteristic astringent flavor that sets them apart from other fruits. Although several studies have explored various aspects of persimmons, a comprehensive review that addresses post-harvest challenges, processing innovations, and potential applications is notably absent in the literature. This review aims to fill this gap by discussing a range of topics, including emerging preservation technologies, methods for detecting and eliminating astringency, identification of functional elements, health-promoting prospects, and advancements in processed persimmon products. The primary objective is to enhance the utilization of persimmons and promote the development of diverse, customized products, thereby fostering the emergence of functional and futuristic foods.
Keywords: Application prospects; Emerging technology; Functional components; Persimmons; Post-harvest challenge; Processing innovations.
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