Evidence-based medicine (EBM) is helpful for laypersons' decision-making. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of e-learning materials on the essential components of EBM for laypersons. We conducted a web-based, open-label, randomized controlled trial with laypersons in Japan aged ≥20 years who used the internet. Participants were randomly assigned to the intervention group with the e-learning material and the control group with only the 'Introduction' section of the same material. The primary and secondary outcomes were the self-created acquirement test scores (responding correctly with confidence) immediately after using the material and after 4 weeks. A multiple linear regression analysis was conducted. Of the 122 participants, 62 were randomly assigned to the intervention group and 59 to the control group; finally, 59 and 58, respectively, were included in the full analysis set. The mean (standard deviation) of the acquirement test score immediately after learning was 14.11 and (3.11) and 11.07 (3.88) in the intervention and control groups, respectively, indicating statistical significance (multivariable P < 0.001). The secondary long-term outcome was also statistically significant. The results showed that the e-learning material was effective for laypersons in acquiring the essential components of EBM. The material may increase laypersons' confidence in appraising health information, which can be used in decision-making.
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