This case study explores the pivotal role Clinical Informaticians in Nursing and Midwifery in Wales can have within pre-registration education. It underscores the necessity for nurses and midwives to adapt to digital transformations in healthcare delivery and discusses the potential digital career paths within the often-misunderstood domain of digital nursing. The initiative aimed to enhance awareness at both national and local levels, collaborating with educational institutions to incorporate digital education into pre-registration nursing programs. In partnership with the University of South Wales, sessions were tailored to the existing curriculum to highlight digital career opportunities and foster digital understanding among future nurses. The session design was aligned with course guidelines to emphasize the role of digital technology in quality improvement and leadership. Evaluations using interactive tools facilitated continuous improvement and provided insights, shaping the future of digital integration in nursing education.
Keywords: Clinical Informatics; Digital Nursing; Education; Pre-registration Education; Student Nursing.