Background: Snus consumption is increasingly popular, mainly among the youth, due to the promotion of the tobacco industry and the lack of knowledge regarding its adverse effects. Even though some of its systemic complications are common knowledge, the oral consequences are rarely known. Aim: Therefore, the objective of this study is to evaluate the oral health effects of snus consumption among a highly exposed group of adolescent athletes. Design: Participants received an interactive presentation, followed by interviews and dental screenings by young doctors to establish trust. They were categorized into groups based on the frequency of snus usage. The oral hygiene habits and status, snus consumption habits, and awareness about its adverse effects were evaluated. Results: Statistically significantly (p < 0.05), more regular snus users experience gum bleeding while tooth brushing than nonusers (60% and 37%, p = 0.004). Snus consumption and poor oral hygiene have a cumulative effect on oral health. Some young athletes experience ulcerous oral mucosal lesions coinciding with snus placement. Nonusers exhibit greater awareness of the adverse effects of snus than regular users (27% and 49%). Conclusions: Regular snus use negatively affects oral health, especially the gums. Early education is of the utmost importance in preventing snus usage by raising awareness.
Keywords: adolescents; gingivitis; oral health; prevention; smokeless tobacco; snus.