Coronary artery disease (CAD) poses a substantial threat to global health, leading to significant morbidity and mortality worldwide. It has a significant genetic component that has been studied through genome-wide association studies (GWAS) over the past 17 years. These studies have made progress with larger sample sizes, diverse ancestral backgrounds, and the discovery of multiple genomic regions related to CAD risk. In this review, we provide a comprehensive overview of CAD GWAS, including information about the genetic makeup of the disease and the importance of ethnic diversity in these studies. We also discuss challenges of identifying causal genes and variants within GWAS loci with a focus on non-coding regions. Additionally, we highlight tissues and cell types relevant to CAD, and discuss clinical implications of GWAS findings including polygenic risk scores, sex-specific differences in CAD genetics, ethnical aspects of personalized interventions, and GWAS guided drug development.
Keywords: Atherosclerosis; Coronary artery disease; Genetics; Genome-wide association studies; Post-GWAS.
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