Avian species diversity in Southern Africa is remarkably high, yet the mechanisms responsible for that diversity are poorly understood. While this is particularly true with respect to species endemic to the subregion, it is unclear as to how more broadly distributed African species may have colonized southern Africa. One process that may in part account for the high bird species diversity in southern Africa is a "species pump" model, wherein the region was repeatedly colonized by lineages from areas further north: a pattern related to climate cycling and the eastern African arid corridor. Once occupying southern Africa, with its many varied biomes, it is possible that climate cycling further affected lineages by generating genetic diversity in multiple refugia, a pattern recently shown for several southern African bird species. Here, we used mtDNA to address these questions in a widespread, sedentary habitat generalist bird species, the familiar chat (Oenanthe familiaris). The phylogenetic structure suggests a north-to-south colonization pattern, supporting the "species pump" model. Haplotype diversity was partitioned into two distinct clusters: southern Africa and Malawi (East Africa). Southern African haplotypes were not geographically partitioned, and we hypothesize that this pattern has arisen because this species is a habitat generalist, and as such resilient to habitat-altering climate perturbations. Based on our phylogenetic results, we discuss the validity of currently recognized subspecies.
Keywords: climate cycling; habitat generalist; haplotype distributions; southern Africa.
© 2024 The Author(s). Integrative Zoology published by International Society of Zoological Sciences, Institute of Zoology/Chinese Academy of Sciences and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.