Large-Scale Statistical Analysis of Defect Emission in hBN: Revealing Spectral Families and Influence of Flake Morphology

ACS Nano. 2024 Aug 13;18(32):20980-20989. doi: 10.1021/acsnano.3c10403. Epub 2024 Jul 31.


Quantum emitters in two-dimensional layered hexagonal boron nitride are quickly emerging as a highly promising platform for next-generation quantum technologies. However, the precise identification and control of defects are key parameters to achieve the next step in their development. We conducted a comprehensive study by analyzing over 10,000 photoluminescence emission lines from liquid exfoliated hBN nanoflake samples, revealing 11 narrow sets of defect families within the 1.6 to 2.2 eV energy range. This challenges hypotheses of a random energy distribution. We also reported averaged defect parameters, including emission line widths, spatial density, phonon side bands, and Franck-Condon-related factors. These findings provide valuable insights into deciphering the microscopic origin of emitters in hBN hosts. We also explored the influence of the hBN host morphology on defect family formation, demonstrating its crucial impact. By tuning the flake size and arrangement, we achieve selective control of defect types while maintaining high spatial density. This offers a scalable approach to defect emission control, diverging from costly engineering methods. It emphasizes the significance of the morphological aspects of hBN hosts for gaining insights into defect origins and expanding their spectral control.

Keywords: defect formation; hexagonal boron nitride; nanophotonics; photoluminescence spectroscopy; quantum emitters; quantum technologies; two-dimensional materials.