Background: This study compared the mortality risk of long-lived siblings with the U.S. population average and their spouse controls, and investigated the leading causes of death and the familial effect in death pattern.
Methods: In the Long Life Family Study (LLFS), 1 264 proband siblings (mean age 90.1, standard deviation [SD] 6.4) and 172 spouses (83.8, 7.2) from 511 U.S.-based families were recruited and followed more than 12 years. Their survival function was compared with a birth cohort-, baseline age-, sex-, and race-matched pseudo sample from U.S. census data. To examine underlying and contributing causes, we examined in detail 338 deaths with complete death adjudication at the University of Pittsburgh Field Center through the year 2018. A familial effect on survival and death patterns was examined using mixed-effect models.
Results: The LLFS siblings had better survival than the matched U.S. population average. They also had slightly but not significantly better survival than their spouses' (HR = 1.18 [95%CI 0.94-1.49]) after adjusting for age and sex. Age at death ranged from 75 to 104 years, mean 91.4. The leading causes of death were cardiovascular disease (33.1%), dementia (22.2%), and cancer (10.7%). Mixed effect model shows a significant random effect of family in survival, with adjustment of baseline age and sex. There was no significant familial effect in the underlying cause of death or conditions directly contributing to death among siblings recruited by the University of Pittsburgh Field Center.
Conclusions: Our findings demonstrate a higher survival in the LLFS siblings than the U.S. census data, with a familial component of survival. We did not find significant correspondence in causes of death between siblings within families.
Keywords: Aging; Cause of death; Longevity; Siblings.
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