Reading skills over time among children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy

Child Neuropsychol. 2024 Aug 1:1-20. doi: 10.1080/09297049.2024.2386078. Online ahead of print.


Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is an X-linked progressive neuromuscular disorder with a distinct cognitive profile including decreased verbal span. Children with DMD are also at risk for lower scores on academic achievement tests and increased behavioral problems. Longitudinal analyses generally reveal a stable intellectual profile, although attention and behavioral problems may negatively impact longitudinal IQ scores. To date, no study has reported on reading over time in DMD. Reading performance was assessed longitudinally in children with DMD, examining for potential contributions to the trajectory. Retrospective data analysis on assessments completed at baseline, year 2, and year 4 on 26 boys with DMD and 27 unaffected sibling controls (age at baseline: DMD 8 ± 1.4, controls 9 ± 2.6) indicated that children with DMD performed slightly, yet significantly, worse than controls on reading skills, but the longitudinal trajectory of reading skills for children with DMD and controls was not significantly different. Verbal span at time 1 was uniquely associated with later reading skills in children with DMD. Behavior was not associated with declines. The results confirm that children with DMD underperform on reading tasks and align with previous research suggesting that cognitive skills in DMD are stable over time.

Keywords: Duchenne muscular dystrophy; behavior; neuropsychological profile; reading skills; verbal span.