Subsequently to the publication of the above article, an interested reader drew to the authors' attention that the GAPDH bands shown for the western blots portrayed in Fig. 2 (associated with the α‑SMA proteins) on p. 1482 were strikingly similar to the GAPDH bands associated with the CAF64 and NF64 experiments in Fig. 4 on p. 1485. After re‑examining their original data, the authors have realized that the GAPDH protein bands correctly shown in Fig. 4 had inadvertently been included in Fig. 2. The revised version of Fig. 2, showing the GAPDH bands that were correctly associated with the α‑SMA proteins, is shown opposite. The authors are grateful to the Editor of International Journal of Oncology for allowing them this opportunity to publish a Corrigendum, and all the authors agree to its publication. Note that this error did not grossly affect either the results or the conclusions reported in this study; furthermore, the authors apologize to the readership for any inconvenience caused. [International Journal of Oncology 45: 1479‑1488, 2014; DOI: 10.3892/ijo.2014.2562].
Keywords: cancer-associated fibroblasts; desmoplasia; extracellular matrix; mass spectrometry; tumor microenvironment.