A Quality Improvement Study to Identify Deterrents and Improve Voice Patient Compliance with Follow-Up

J Voice. 2024 Aug 1:S0892-1997(24)00226-1. doi: 10.1016/j.jvoice.2024.07.015. Online ahead of print.


Objective: Evaluation and treatment for voice disorders may optimally involve multiple treatment modalities. However, even in multispecialty clinics, patients may be less likely to comply with follow-up compared to patients seen for other otolaryngologic complaints. We investigated the factors contributing to noncompliance and then implemented quality improvement metrics aimed at improving our clinical noncompliance rates.

Methods: Noncompliant patients were identified as those who had been seen in our multispecialty voice care clinic and instructed to follow-up but had not returned within 6months. Patients were telephoned for a brief survey. Surveys were completed in two rounds, pre- and post-quality improvement efforts.

Results: On the initial round of surveys, the most frequently cited reason for discontinuing care was financial (38.5%), some (30.8%) did not like the clinic location, and some felt follow-up would not be helpful (46.2%). The clinic location was subsequently moved outside of the downtown metropolitan area, and multidisciplinary care team approaches were implemented within this same, larger office space. A second round of surveys was then administered, wherein significantly fewer patients endorsed financial concerns as a reason for care discontinuation of care (Chi2 =8.689, P = 0.003). While fewer patients (22.6%) disliked the clinic location, this difference was not significant. A significantly greater number of patients endorsed feeling better as their reason for not following up (Chi2 =5.551, P = 0.018).

Conclusions: This study reports quality improvement efforts aimed at identifying and addressing factors that contribute to voice care noncompliance. Ease of clinic access and affordability appear to be substantial factors. Optimizing clinic location, emphasizing the importance of continuity of care, and offering comprehensive approaches may improve patient adherence to voice care recommendations.

Level of evidence: 2b.

Keywords: Compliance; Multidisciplinary care; Voice clinic.