Little research has examined specific instructional variables that influence the development and effectiveness of task-analysis instruction. We conducted two experiments using text-based task analyses to teach college students to create single-subject reversal design graphs. In Experiment 1, we tested the effects of presenting antecedent and outcome stimuli on graphing performance (accuracy, yield, time to completion). Different groups of participants experienced graphing tutorials with descriptions and pictures of (a) responses; (b) antecedent stimuli and responses; (c) responses and outcomes of correct responses; and (d) antecedent stimuli, responses, and outcomes. In Experiment 2, we compared tutorials with and without pictures. Collectively, the results suggest that graphing accuracy was positively affected by task analyses that included pictures and descriptions of antecedent stimuli and that adding outcome stimuli further benefited graphing accuracy. These results suggest critical instructional elements that should be included in future task analyses of graphing or other complex behavior chains.
Keywords: antecedent stimuli; chained behaviors; outcome stimuli; sequenced behavior; task analysis.
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