Introduction: While prior literature demonstrates gender-based differences in surgical residents' self-assessments, limited data exist examining these effects at the medical student level. This study aimed to understand how self-ratings of clinical performance differ across genders for clerkship students.
Methods: This was a retrospective study examining the results of an institutional Clinical Performance Examination administered at the end of the clerkship year. Students were tasked with obtaining a history and physical examination and developing an assessment and plan based on standardized patient cases. After the examination, students were asked to estimate the percentile rating of their performance. Female and male students' true scores, self-rated percentiles, and differences between true and self-rated percentiles were compared.
Results: One hundred twenty three male and 113 female medical students were included in the analysis. Female medical students performed statistically significantly better overall (79.65% versus 78.23%, P = 0.0039), in history skills (76.90% versus 75.19%, P = 0.012), and in communication skills (94.05% versus 92.58%, P = 0.0085). No statistically significant differences were seen between self-rated percentiles between male and female students. However, when comparing the difference between self-rated and true percentile scores (Δ = self-rated - true percentile), male students were more likely to rate themselves higher than their true percentile on history (male students Δ = 12.26 versus female students Δ = -1.24, P = 0.00076) and communication metrics (male students Δ = 14.12 versus female students Δ = 6.05, P = 0.037).
Conclusions: Despite higher performance, female students rate themselves similarly to male medical students, suggesting a pattern of underestimation. Faculty must recognize that gender-based differences in self-evaluations begin at the medical student level, potentially impacting future trainee development.
Keywords: Clinical performance; Entrustable professional activity; Gender; Medical student; Surgical residency.
Published by Elsevier Inc.