Meiotic recombination is a key biological process in plant evolution and breeding, as it generates genetic diversity in each generation through the formation of crossovers (COs). However, due to their importance in genome stability, COs are highly regulated in frequency and distribution. We previously demonstrated that this strict regulation of COs can be modified, both in terms of CO frequency and distribution, in allotriploid Brassica hybrids (2n = 3x = 29; AAC) resulting from a cross between Brassica napus (2n = 4x = 38; AACC) and Brassica rapa (2n = 2x = 20; AA). Using the recently updated B. napus genome now including pericentromeres, we demonstrated that COs occur in these cold regions in allotriploids, as close as 375 kb from the centromere. Reverse transcription quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) of various meiotic genes indicated that Class I COs are likely involved in the increased recombination frequency observed in allotriploids. We also demonstrated that this modified recombination landscape can be maintained via successive generations of allotriploidy (odd ploidy level). This deregulated meiotic behavior reverts to strict regulation in allotetraploid (even ploidy level) progeny in the second generation. Overall, we provide an easy way to manipulate tight recombination control in a polyploid crop.
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