In vertebrates, the three orthogonal body axes, anteroposterior (AP), dorsoventral (DV) and left-right (LR) are determined at gastrula and neurula stages by the Spemann-Mangold organizer and its equivalents. A common feature of AP and DV axis formation is that an evolutionary conserved interplay between growth factors (Wnt, BMP) and their extracellular antagonists (e.g. Dkk1, Chordin) creates signaling gradients for axial patterning. Recent work showed that LR patterning in Xenopus follows the same principle, with R-spondin 2 (Rspo2) as an extracellular FGF antagonist, which creates a signaling gradient that determines the LR vector. That a triad of anti-FGF, anti-BMP, and anti-Wnt governs LR, DV, and AP axis formation reveals a unifying principle in animal development. We discuss how cross-talk between these three signals confers integrated AP-DV-LR body axis patterning underlying developmental robustness, size scaling, and harmonious regulation. We propose that Urbilateria featured three orthogonal body axes that were governed by a Cartesian coordinate system of orthogonal Wnt/AP, BMP/DV, and FGF/LR signaling gradients.
Keywords: FGF; Rspo2; Spemann-Mangold organizer; Urbilateria; axis formation.
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