The orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) is crucial for tracking various aspects of expected outcomes, thereby helping to guide choices and support learning. Our previous study showed that the effects of reward timing and size on the activity of single units in OFC were dissociable when these attributes were manipulated independently ( Roesch et al., 2006). However, in real-life decision-making scenarios, outcome features often change simultaneously, so here we investigated how OFC neurons in male rats integrate information about the timing and identity (flavor) of reward and respond to changes in these features, according to whether they were changed simultaneously or separately. We found that a substantial number of OFC neurons fired differentially to immediate versus delayed reward and to the different reward flavors. However, contrary to the previous study, selectivity for timing was strongly correlated with selectivity for identity. Taken together with the previous research, these results suggest that when reward features are correlated, OFC tends to "pack" them into unitary constructs, whereas when they are independent, OFC tends to "crack" them into separate constructs. Furthermore, we found that when both reward timing and flavor were changed, reward-responsive OFC neurons showed unique activity patterns preceding and during the omission of an expected reward. Interestingly, this OFC activity is similar and slightly preceded the ventral tegmental area dopamine (VTA DA) activity observed in a previous study ( Takahashi et al., 2023), consistent with the role of OFC in providing predictive information to VTA DA neurons.
Keywords: decision-making; orbitofrontal; rat; single-unit.
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