Distress tolerance, or the perceived ability to tolerate negative emotional states, is often associated with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) such that higher distress tolerance is generally associated with less severe PTSD symptom levels. As distress tolerance is often considered a risk and maintenance factor in distress disorders, examining the association between changes in distress tolerance and changes in PTSD symptoms may have clinical relevance. The present study examined the associations between PTSD symptom severity and distress tolerance across three assessment points over 12 weeks among 212 patients receiving outpatient psychotherapy services. Using random-intercept cross-lagged panel modeling (RI-CLPM), concurrent and prospective associations between PTSD and distress tolerance were examined. PTSD symptoms at Time 1 and Time 2 significantly predicted distress tolerance at Time 2, β = -.296, and Time 3, β = -.395, respectively. Distress tolerance did not predict subsequent PTSD symptom severity. Exploratory analyses examined distress tolerance and four PTSD symptom clusters over time. Patterns of results differed across clusters, though it was consistent that only PTSD symptom clusters predicted subsequent distress tolerance and not vice versa. The results support the interrelationship of changes in psychopathology and emotional distress tolerance and indicate that distress tolerance may be an important factor in symptom remission during PTSD treatment.
© 2024 International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies.