Biomechanical Analysis of a New Odd-Numbered Strand Suture Technique for Early Active Mobilization After Primary Flexor Tendon Repair

J Hand Surg Glob Online. 2024 Mar 25;6(4):488-493. doi: 10.1016/j.jhsg.2024.02.013. eCollection 2024 Jul.


Purpose: The placement of multistrand sutures during flexor tendon repair is complex and challenging. We developed a new, simpler, nine-strand suture, which we term the Tajima nines. The Tajima nines repair method is a new odd-numbered strand tendon technique.

Methods: Fourteen porcine flexor tendons were transected and repaired using the Tajima nines repair method, without placement of peripheral sutures. This technique is a modification of the Lim and Tsai repair method; it uses a 4-0 monofilament nylon, 3-strand line, and two needles. The repaired tendons were tested for linear, noncyclic, load-to-failure tensile strength. The initial gap, 2-mm gap-formation force, and ultimate strength were measured.

Results: The initial gap-formation force was 27.9 ± 7.5 newtons (N), the 2-mm gap-formation force was 39.2 ± 4.7 N, and the ultimate strength was 76.7 ± 17.2 N. Eight, three, and three of the 14 tendons repaired using the Tajima nines method demonstrated failure because of thread breakage, knot failure, and suture pull-out, respectively.

Conclusions: This biomechanical study demonstrated that Tajima nines repair was associated with particularly high initial tension at the repair site; there were minor variations in the initial load and 2-mm gap-formation load. Our results suggest that Tajima nines repair with peripheral suturing allows the repaired flexor tendon to tolerate the stresses encountered during early active mobilization.

Clinical relevance: This simple nine-strand technique will be particularly useful for inexperienced surgeons who perform early active mobilization after primary flexor tendon repair because the technique is a modification of the Lim and Tsai repair method using a triple strand instead of a double strand.

Keywords: Biomechanical analysis; Flexor tendon repair; Multistrand; Nine-strand; Odd-numbered.