Background: Bats are recognized as the natural reservoir of several zoonotic viruses that pose a threat to public health worldwide. In our recent reports we describe the identification of a novel poxvirus, IsrRAPXV, in Egyptian fruit bats. This poxvirus is associated with high morbidity and mortality in bats.
Methods: Herein, we describe the identification of poxvirus in a female patient hospitalized with systemic symptoms and severe painful skin lesions on her hands. We performed qPCR, whole genome sequencing and phylogenetic analysis to identify and characterize this poxvirus as the etiologic agent.
Results: The patient interacted with wounded and sick bats as a volunteer in a bat shelter run by the Israel bat sanctuary organization. Samples collected from the patient's skin lesions were positive for the presence of IsrRAPXV by PCR. Additionally, phylogenetic analysis showed that this virus is identical to IsrRAPXV originally described by us as the causative agent of skin lesions in fruit bats.
Conclusions: Our finding suggest that IsrRAPXV is zoonotic and therefore veterinarians and volunteers working in bats shelter should meticulously follow the guidelines of working with bats and use required personal protective equipment.
Keywords: Bats; Human infection; IsrRAPXV; Poxviruses; Skin lesions; Zoonosis.
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