Digitized data is presented based on the 1966 and 1972 seminal papers by R. J. Bell and P. Dean, which in turn are based on a physical ball and stick model of vitreous silica. The original Bell and Dean paper supports the random network theory for glass structure proposed by Zachariasen in 1932. The data were collected and digitized by verifying the data set in the Appendix of the Bell and Dean paper. One error in location was corrected. The dataset provides a convenient method to determine specific information about bond locations and angles of silica and oxygen atoms if researchers want to test theories of glass structure or fracture in amorphous materials.
Keywords: Ball-and-stick model; Digitized glass data; Glass structure; Random network theory; Vitreous silica structure; α-silica.
© 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc.