Insights into Knowledge and Attitudes About Autoantibody Screening from People Affected by Type 1 Diabetes: A Brief Report

Diabetes Ther. 2024 Oct;15(10):2249-2261. doi: 10.1007/s13300-024-01637-z. Epub 2024 Aug 27.


Introduction: Screening for islet-specific autoantibodies can identify individuals at risk for type 1 diabetes (T1D). Despite calls for increased nationwide autoantibody screening efforts, it is unclear how many individuals have participated in screening among people who may benefit from it. Moreover, knowledge and perceptions of autoantibody screening in real-world samples are not well understood.

Methods: We surveyed a sample of individuals (aged 18+ years old) from T1D Exchange Registry with a personal or family history of T1D to assess their self-reported T1D autoantibody knowledge, experiences, and attitudes. Participants belonged to one of three groups: adults with T1D who had a biological child without T1D or future plans for a child (PWD); parents without T1D who had a biological child with T1D and one or more biological children without T1D (Caregivers); and first-degree adult children or siblings to a person with T1D (Relatives). Descriptive analyses (means, standard deviations, frequencies) are presented by participant groups.

Results: A total of 510 participants enrolled in the study. Across groups, participants reported feeling a little to somewhat knowledgeable about autoantibody screening and positive perceptions of autoantibody screening in general. However, few participants had screened their child without T1D (PWDs, 21.94%; Caregivers, 46.30%) or themselves (Relatives, 19.23%). Among those who had screened, participants reported generally positive experiences. Among those who had not screened, many participants were "undecided" about autoantibody screening (PWD, 38.46%; Caregivers, 40.52%; Relatives, 44.44%). Influences reported for participants' decisions to screen, not screen, or their current indecision differed by group: PWDs (21.70%) and Caregivers (26.87%) most often reported self-initiated research as an influence and Relatives reported they had not previously considered screening (48.28%).

Conclusion: Results highlight the need for more accessible information about screening, including real experiences from those who have screened.

Keywords: Autoantibody screening; Early diagnosis; Risk; Type 1 diabetes mellitus.