The characterization of somatic genomic variation associated with the biology of tumors is fundamental for cancer research and personalized medicine, as it guides the reliability and impact of cancer studies and genomic-based decisions in clinical oncology. However, the quality and scope of tumor genome analysis across cancer research centers and hospitals are currently highly heterogeneous, limiting the consistency of tumor diagnoses across hospitals and the possibilities of data sharing and data integration across studies. With the aim of providing users with actionable and personalized recommendations for the overall enhancement and harmonization of somatic variant identification across research and clinical environments, we have developed ONCOLINER. Using specifically designed mosaic and tumorized genomes for the analysis of recall and precision across somatic SNVs, insertions or deletions (indels), and structural variants (SVs), we demonstrate that ONCOLINER is capable of improving and harmonizing genome analysis across three state-of-the-art variant discovery pipelines in genomic oncology.
Keywords: benchmarking; benchmarking data; bioinformatics; cancer genomics; oncology; somatic variant calling.
Copyright © 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.